Friday, March 6, 2015

The Show Must Go On!!!

"When last we left our intrepid hero, he was in waaaaaaay over his head..."

Winter is getting the best of me. This project is getting the best of me. I don't have the time, but I've still got the dream.

I'm reviewing the PDFs for the AX-27 plans I received by email today., you guys rock.


Did I really just purchase the construction plans to build the equivalent of a 777 Cockpit Interior?

"That will do, Pig. That will do."

Ok. Total construction time runs between 40 and 80 hours, depending on how much space I have available, and how much time I can devote, uninterrupted. As of right now, that's NONE. But by securing plans to build a physical enclosure, I finally have an idea of WHAT I am building. I don't have to cipher out the frame, and it's PLENTY big enough to accommodate any freakish devices or gizmos I may be able to put together to dress out the space.

Remembering that the goal all along was a "big kid's sci-fi playset", I decided for something big enough for two active seats (and possibly spectators). It's a semi-full enclosure, so that's a big plus for immersion. Built-in overhead, center and side consoles means tons of space to mount panels and greebles. So, I guess I had better figure out exactly what I'm going to do with all that space.

Using my original notes as a guide (before I scope-creeped and got carried away with gizmos) I've been blocking out the functions of the various panels and lighting elements. This was BEFORE I considered how I was going to make them work. Honestly, the vast majority of the lights and switches that will be visible have almost no use within the games I will be playing. Some will serve practical purposes such as powering the display units or setting display modes.

There will be tons of "blinky light panels" and set dressing that LOOKS like it might be important in a highly bastardized light freighter. I found references to the Raptor set used in BSG: (GALACTIGUISE.COM).
It looks soooo cool... And if those buttons and switches and things actually "worked" in a game, the immersion level is going to be incredible.
Set dressing is critical to making it all work.

I've already started working on a second computer system and corresponding hardware to run lights and sound effects. It's the perfect use for one of those 3 old Dells someone offloaded on me. If games like Star Citizen export real-time data like many conventional flight sims, I'll feed those in to the "environmental effects" computer. Until then, it will make stuff blink. Maybe even make noises...

With almost no free time, and the stubborn refusal of winter to let go and break the freezing mark, I'm stuck inside with the tools and resources I can spread out on a kitchen table. The good woman was kind enough to relocate said table (and leaf) upstairs to the Geek Den, so I have an uninterrupted space that doesn't "disturb the chi" of the shared living space. I've got several dozen sheets of foam board (of which I've cleared out the local dollar stores) and a ream of grey cover stock for panels. The new color laser has been firing out transparencies for warning lights and panel mock-ups. I've test-fit the LED holders and switches, and I'm working with Fritzing ( to design my own PCBs to handle the lighting circuits and other components to power this pig.

Here's just a few of the web sites I've been frequenting.
As this season leaves me little choice but to do research, I'll pass on what I have.

Computer Technology: Connecting Arduino to Flight Simulator X
Kids "Spaceship control panel" Prop
FlightSim.Com - How To Build Your Own USB Joystick
Sim Electronics
The “Spindicator” Project | Once Around the Block
Building your own ambient color lighting bars
How to Make an LED Light Chaser
MMJoy - Build your own USB controller | Flight Sim Pit Builders | SimHQ Forums
Panels & Lighting
Simple LED based Projects using Arduino-with Circuit Diagram and Codes
Gear panel tutorial, part 3 – toggle switch input | Sim Electronics
StarWraith 3D Games - Space Combat and Freeform Space-Sims for the PC
HID macros

There are dozens more, but this ought to get you excited about the possibilities.

I've opened up comments, so feel free to drop me a line. Networking was part of the original goal, and I'm happy to share what I know. I'll provide pictures and instructions for every stage as they evolve.