Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Mark IX Making progress!

**For newer readers -- THIS NO LONGER EXISTS. Had to dismantle and start again. But I learned enough to build a true structure some day!**

I have to say, once I broke through the issues with creating the basic frame, creating sub-assemblies and paneling has gone a lot faster than I expected. Please be aware that the pics are showing a lot of test fitting and most of the joints and panel edges are not lined up properly. Some are not even fastened down! The main control panel under the monitors is 5 pieces tacked together, both side boxes have their panels just set in place. I wanted to see how the structure was coming along and eagerly took some pics! 

That being said, make no mistake - this is probably NOT the way to build a project like this! Between the incredibly warped wood and dubious measurements, this is about as far from "fine carpentry" as it can get without falling in on itself. 

Is the overhead securely fastened to the upper frame?            -Yes!

Is there room to get the chair in?                                             -Yes!

Are the control stands at the right height and position?           -Yes!

All in the affirmative!                                                               -Yes!

OK, so ALL of the panels need to be trimmed to size. I doubt there's more than one or two truly square angles in all of that. I built in a fairly generous "fudge factor" to hide most of the crimes against carpentry but there will be some significant challenges ahead. 

Now that the primary frame and panel boxes are assembled, I'm back to the notes to figure out what goes where in regards to control panels. I have options for a dozen or more individual panels, plus several spots for warning lights and assorted environmental effects. So far, all of the frame parts are still modular, and I can disassemble some or all of it to work on the parts outside of the sim enclosure. 

Each of the panels is held in place at this point by one (or no) screws. Most fit a lot better than they appear to in the photos. I was simply excited to see this much progress and finally get a sense of the space I have to work with. As I work out the issues with shoddy construction, I can replace parts or sections as I go. Some things will never be seen and I'll probably just let them ride. It's all about learning, and what I gather from this experience may lead to an even more awesome 2-seat MARK X some day.

I've become more comfortable with the table saw, and realized that had I gotten it earlier I could have avoided a lot of problems squaring off the panels. All of this CAN be done with simple tools, but it requires a lot more patience and focus. I acquired more tools since I started this round of builds, so taking the time to learn them and make sure they are set up safely has been a big priority. 

Yes, the seat needs additional work, and is stripped down from all the plywood and control supports I had intended to use. The chair became too wide, and therefore not usable as intended. I had grand plans of a large base for the chair but it's simply not practical. I have the parts to create the "ejection seat rails" and some other greeblie fluff, but the concept I was working with just didn't feel right. Back to basics. 

I'm still working on what to do with the leg well area (framing and closing off interior) and I need to build a few shelves for the computer system itself, and a retractable mouse shelf. I had a keyboard tray but it was too narrow and I had an epiphany about what I will use instead - stay tuned.

Next phase of development is creating the shell with foam insulation board. I'll be mounting MDF or thin plywood on it where I need stability or working with detail insets. Eventually that foam will be resin coated for durability and painted/airbrushed to give it the look I'm after. 

More soon!

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

The Mark IX - Dominator of the Workshop!

The Build has Begun. 


My son and I played Evochron Legacy over the network. I set up a server and for the first time we were flying together. Having resurrected an ancient X52 Pro, i had my other controls and another computer and we flew, together, for hours. After that experience, I immediately wanted to make it better, more enjoyable. So, back to the workshop for a brand new start!


The last three tear-downs were due to a failure to integrate the "boat anchor", a genuine aircraft panel. It HAS to be integrated. Its a huge part of the feel. Its naturally beat up, and while it needs paint, I can think of so many ways to build it out. So, mounting and supporting the panel is a priority. It's an odd size, so I decided to build side-walls with an angle that would support the overhead panel, and cross-braces that provided attachment points. I needed a sturdy frame to support the sides and overhead,, so I guess I keep The Box.  The monitor mount is the main purpose for the heavy construction. It's narrow but so solid. 

The outer dimensions are set. I have a plan for two side boxes with panels and switches for a single pilot. Maybe I can build another set of panels for a dual-set configuration, but ... Scope creep kills! I'll look into it after I have a working shell.

The build up on the chair has started as well, and I framed control arms. I tried foam work (see blue board back there?) and I'll be working on resin coating once I know what I need to make. The entire interior is going to be texture rich and much more authentic to the original vision.

Hopefully all of the tools and skills I've acquired over the years start to pay off in some incredible projects. It just became fun again. 

Crappy pictures aside, I just wanted to give a "proof of life" that I am, indeed, continuing on. 

And, if I forget, remind me that I also need to plan in disassembly points, or I'm going to need full-time heat in the workshop. 

Be good. Be safe. 
