Wednesday, February 19, 2020

"A SimPit would really tie the room together!"

It's 2020. A new decade. Maybe it's time to define the project and get on with it already!

I bought a house. Finally. My job and my living space are now in the same location. My schedule and bills are under control. My free time can be anything I want now! It wasn't too long before the project started pulling me back in, and with a ridiculous vengeance. "Start building it now, or you never will." Well, ok. WHERE am I supposed to put it?!

I'm networking with the local Maker Space. My tool collection may have grown, but theirs are bigger, well maintained and there's knowledgeable people there to help. Many of them won't even blink when I tell them I'm building a spaceship, as long as I'm clear about my goals and can show a plan.And they have spaces to rent so my stuff would have it's own home! I've paid storage fees to just hold the stuff and now I have a chance to actually work and build! Plan the project, get started making the pieces, and some day I'll have this thing working. Just follow the plan!

Well, there isn't really a plan. There's a thousand experiments, reams of paper, and gizmos and proof of concept mock-ups but no real plan. I was always looking for tools, or space, or knowledge and not really sitting down to figure out WHAT I'M REALLY TRYING TO ACCOMPLISH!

For anyone to take this seriously, I'm going to have to put the thoughts together and lay out the project. I can't ask for help if I'm not sure what I'm trying to accomplish. That's where I'm at.

So join me as we dive into Starship Building 101. This is the year, I'm too far into this to stop now.

Just a quick note today - I'm getting my thoughts and materials together. Even if I'm just documenting the ride for myself, I feel like it will be helpful. Someone can learn a lot about obsessive and delusional behavior from this material.

Of that I have no doubt.

Next up: A layman's guide to building a starship!

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