Those of you who have followed this blog know the original reason for considering building my own simpit was the game Evochron Mercenary by Starwraith Games. Created by one programmer ("Vice"), it was one of the coolest, open-universe sandbox space sims I had ever played. Best of all, it's a small install and runs on nearly any semi-modern computer system. There are no loading screens per se, and you can fly from system to a planet's surface seamlessly.
Asteroid mining and cargo runs being my "thing", I found the game gave me incredible freedom to control every aspect of the ship. Even better, EM sends data to a text file every two seconds or so -- I've already written an app that send that info to an arduino for status lights and missile alerts. That's the kind of feedback that hard-core flight simmers have been using to drive real instruments, and one of my big hopes for Star Citizen. In my enthusiasm, I put EM on the back burner - more than 2 and a half DAYS of play-time, just sitting in digital limbo.
Well, it looks like Vice is on a Mission from Gawd.
YouTube video of new features.

The venerable graphics and interfaces of EM are apparently getting a MAJOR overhaul. Larger planets. More details. better shaders. A much needed overhaul of the navigation interface. Whether it's the Steam community or his hard-core regulars spurring him on, there's some new goodness on the horizon.
I sincerely hope he incorporates those changes as a patch to EM as opposed to holding off for a completely new addition to the Starwraith lineup. I'm not done exploring THIS universe yet!
Hardware News:
In the wee hours of the morning last week, I managed to get a two-joystick, 64-button setup working with LED controllers, all without smoke or blue screens. While a bit funky at first, the two joystick scheme is better than any other setup I've used so far.
Three new AOC monitors arrived today. I'm back to the 3-monitor setup, as my 39" monitor is headed to the Coffee Shop shortly. A little wheeling and dealing with the Significant Other, and we both think we got a good deal. Good thing she's happy -- I'm about to find some spare time to build the Mark 4 pit design.
Once winter had FINALLY let go (another 2 inches of snow and ice last night - THANKS SPRING!!) I'm revisiting the trailer idea. I'll need that space for the Mark 5 two-seater....
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